Consulting & Speaking

1) Collaborations & Consulting

I work with industry partners to turn A/B testing and digital marketing into business success. My main focus is on projects that improve A/B testing, service innovations, and customer experience management. Current and previous partners include automotive, banking, consumer electronics and online retail companies in Asia, Europe, and the US.

2) Executive Education & Custom Programs

I teach in executive education programs (e.g., TiSEM Executive Education, Aalto Executive Education) and provide customized programs for in-house training in companies. My focal education topics are digital marketing and service/customer experience management.

3) Speaking

I give speeches, seminars and workshops on A/B testing, service innovations, and customer experience management. In these talks and workshops I focus on practical relevance and provide methods and tools that can be directly implemented in business practice.

Interested to Collaborate?

Are you interested to collaborate? Do you need advice on A/B testing, service innovations, or customer experience management? Please contact me:!